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LP speakers  (2)

Join Pam Torrey, Director of Marketing at Ingage, and Brianna Heatherington, CEO at Altruistic Advisory, for a transformative webinar discussing strategies and practical advice on establishing core values, weaving your company's story and how to build a team that not only trusts each other but also significantly impacts your deal-closing capabilities.

More about the webinar: 

Embark on a journey of insightful dialogue and hands-on tips on team building and hiring practices with Pam and Brianna, who bring to the table a wealth of knowledge and experience from Ingage and Altruistic Advisory respectively. 

Join us as we dive into the essentials of building a great team: setting rock-solid core values that shape both hiring and culture; telling your company's story in a way that grabs potential hires; fostering a team vibe where trust thrives; and using that tight-knit team spirit to close deals and strengthen client ties. It's all about making the hiring process feel less like a chore and more like putting together a dream team!

Why Attend?

  • Enhance your hiring strategies with insights derived from proven best practices.
  • Learn to intertwine your company's core values and story into your hiring process.
  • Absorb practical tips to develop trust within your team and create a solid, productive unit.
  • Gain insights on leveraging your team dynamics to close deals and enhance customer relations.
Webinar Speakers