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Ski Chalet Recording

Welcome to Ingage’s Ski Chalet Webinar Series, where the snow meets sales and innovation! Join us for three thrilling sessions, each designed to take your in-home sales process to new heights.

During this three-part series, we’re not just talking about sales; we’re navigating the thrilling slopes of in-home sales, tackling the challenges faced by sales reps head-on, and arming you with the tools and strategies to conquer every peak! 

Ski lift (1)

The Itinerary: 

Session 1: Bunny Hill Basics - "Snowballing Sales: Mastering the Basics"

Our journey begins on the Bunny Hill, where we delve into the essential fundamentals of in-home sales with industry-leading sales expert, Jeff Kay. From crafting compelling narratives to designing visually engaging presentations, we'll explore the art of persuasion. Together, we’ll learn how to leverage customer data, refining our sales strategies and boosting our confidence during in-home presentations.

Session 2: Black Diamond Strategies - "Navigating the Steep Slopes: Advanced Sales Tactics"

Ready for a challenge? The Black Diamond awaits, where we tackle the most daunting slopes of sales. This session focuses on the intricacies of financing, upselling warranties and handling objections with finesse. Joining us with their expertise in all things finance and sales will be Jennifer Lau Hatcher and Justin Hatcher from 1&Fund. They’ll share how to turn challenges into opportunities, mastering the art of the upsell and overcoming objections with grace and confidence.

Session 3: Adventure Trail with Ingage - "Tech-Driven Sales Mastery: Unleashing Ingage’s Power"

Our grand finale takes you on the Adventure Trail. Join Alan Davis and Charley Goldberg as they guide you through Ingage’s advanced technology. Discover how to leverage Ingage’s features, real-time collaboration tools, and the power of Ingage Analytics for data-driven decision-making and strategy refinement.

Ski lift (2)